Saturday, 8 September 2012

Arranged Book Review #1

Rewind back a couple of months, back to my July 21 post on how book reviews can form an important marketing tool for your books.  If you remember, I said arranging a few reviews is definitely a task worth doing.  I still stand by that.  Well, I would, wouldn’t I, since the first arranged review for Chasing Pavements was posted today on A Novel Review, and I couldn’t be happier with it?  I want to thank Charlotte the reviewer at this great book review blog for agreeing to read and review my book, and am delighted that she enjoyed it and wrote a lovely review for it.

Whether this leads to a bucket-load of sales or not, it has definitely given me a sense of satisfaction.  Authors write for their readers, and if their stories are received well, then it goes a long way in boosting our morale, inspires us further.  What really moved me were the lovely words Charlotte wrote in her e-mail a few days earlier, when she informed me the review would be posted today.  It was truly amazing to read the e-mail, thank you Charlotte!  Its messages like these that make me glad I published Chasing Pavements.

As always, here are my favourite parts from it: 

"This is not your typical chic lit book.  There is no sloppy romance and no mushy words.  This is truly a one of a kind book...  Little by little the story was told to me and it was told perfectly...  I cannot believe this is Neha’s first book.  It is perfect.  This is definitely a must read."

Chasing Pavements is available to purchase from Amazon Kindle Store US and UK, as well as Apple iBookStore US and UK, Barnes & Noble Nook Store, and other e-book retailers.