Hang on, did someone say they've yet to read the first two books? Well, why ever not? Chasing Pavements and Make You Feel My Love introduce you to Mukti and Jamie - two very unique characters that you can’t help but get attached to - and
set the stage beautifully for the epic third instalment. If you haven’t
gotten your (digital) hands on these, download them now (at Amazon US, Amazon UK, iBooks US, iBooks UK, Nook and Smashwords). There really is no excuse for you to not start the Soulmates Saga this year.
Now, just because these books share their titles with singles released by the brilliant Adele (who I love, love, love!), don’t interpret it as a gimmick, a marketing ploy, to cover up sloppy, poorly-written love stories. No, there’s some serious writing going on in there, I should know, I spent the last six years writing them!
quite convinced yet? That’s okay. You can download free samples before
you buy and have a look at my favourite reviews that I’ve added to the book pages on this blog.
Time for an FYI. If you haven’t read the first two books but are interested in getting into this saga, stay away from the Someone Like You book
page, don’t read the blurb, don’t look at the cover, just leave it
alone. Why? Spoilers, that’s why. Trust me, you will enjoy the first two
books a lot more this way.