What Readers Said About Poison Blood, Book 1
"The best book I've read on my Kindle Fire. Absolutely loved it." 5-stars
~ Goodreads Review
“It's more like poison love.” 5-stars
~ Apple Books US Review
“Awesome. This was great, couldn't put it down. I would love to see a third book!” 5-stars
~ Apple Books Australia Review
“A great book.” 5-stars
~ B&N Nook Review
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"I loved the complexities of the characters and the dynamics between Christian and Ellie. Just love love love these books, would highly recommend them." 5-stars
~ Goodreads Review
"I really hope the series isn't done!!!! Just cuz it's from Christian's point of view doesn't mean it's crap! It was really good... please be a next book!" 5-stars
~ B&N Nook Review
"This book is so good, along with the other book in the series." 5-stars
~ B&N Nook Review
What Readers Said About Poison Blood, Books 2 and 3
"Love this book... very well written and the characters very believable." 5-stars
~ Amazon US Review
"I loved all the twists and turns, unexpected friendships and acts of forgiveness... it was never boring. I enjoyed every part of this series." 5-stars
~ Goodreads Review
"Well written and thought out characters. Definitely worth the read." 5-stars
~ Amazon US Review
What Readers Said About Soulmates Saga, Book 1
"A truly fantastic read. The two main characters are cleverly crafted, impeccable. Their depth makes them feel real as they become a woven part of the reader. It is a story of heartbreak, broken pieces and that gratifying light at the end of the long dark tunnel as a new and pure love heals old wounds and glues the pieces back together. It is a feel-good read which I highly recommend to all who love contemporary romance. Loved it." 5-stars
~ Author, I.C. Camilleri
~ Author, I.C. Camilleri
"Very well written, I felt like I knew the characters myself!" 5-stars
~ Kobo Review
"This is not your typical chick lit book. There is no sloppy romance and no mushy words. This is truly a one of a kind book. Little by little the story was told to me and it was told perfectly. I cannot believe this is Neha’s first book. It is perfect. This is definitely a must read." 5-stars
~ Book Blog, A Novel Review
"I loved the book. I can't believe that this is the author's first book; the way it's written is excellent. I was captured from the beginning of the story. A must read." 5-stars
~ Book Blogger, RosieReview
"I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a different kind of love story. The author has a way of pulling you into the story and keeping you there until the end. I found myself caring for the characters, especially Mukti, who goes through a lot. I enjoyed this book a lot and couldn't forget about it after I finished reading it. Touching, moving, unique love story." 5-stars
~ Apple Books UK Review
~ Smashwords Review
This series is available from:
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What Readers Said About Soulmates Saga, Books 2 and 3
"Wow! I can't wait for the next book!" 5-stars
~ Goodreads Review
"Amazing book!
Exciting book that I had to keep turning the page until I finished it." 5-stars
~ Apple Books UK Review
“Great ending." 4-stars
~ Goodreads User
"Full of drama, romance and twists and turns. I couldn't predict what would happen in the next chapter but wasn't disappointed with what did happen. I really liked how the story ended. Loved this story!" 5-stars
~ Apple Books UK Review
What Readers Said About Love & Alternatives, Book 1

"I loved this story! I was up into the early hours wanting to read more. I read it in just a few days because I just couldn't put it down. The storyline really did keep me on my toes." 5-stars
~ Amazon UK Review
“Inhaled all its goodness of love, friendship & culture!” 5-stars
~ Apple Books US Review
“Great story. It kept me really Engaged throughout the entire novel. Cannot wait for book 2 to be released!” 5-stars
~ Amazon US Review
“A gem.” 5-stars
~ Amazon US Review
"I really did enjoy this book. I hope the second one comes out soon." 4-stars
~ Amazon US Review
“Absolutely superb.” 5-stars
~ Scribd Review
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