Monday, 21 November 2016

Spoiler-Free Q&A on #PoisonBloodSeries Book 4: Apocalypse

In celebration of the release of the final two books in the Poison Blood series, below is a (spoiler-free) Q&A on Book 4: Apocalypse.

Q: This is the final book in the Poison Blood series and Book 3 of your contemporary romance series, the Soulmates Saga, was published in summer 2016. What new projects do you have in the pipeline?

A: Yes, Apocalypse is the conclusion to Ellie’s story. She’s done her thing. While writing Book 3 and 4 however, I really enjoyed writing about Amber. She became a bigger part of the story than I’d expected, and I’m glad she did.

I want to write a spin-off series about her. It won’t be the Poison Blood books from her perspective, but a continuation of Amber’s story.

Or rather, letting her story truly begin.

What does she do after the events of PB4?

I for one want to find out.

Let’s hope there are others that do too!

In my Someone Like You (The Soulmates Saga, Book 3) Q&A, I said that it’s not necessarily the last book in the series – otherwise I would’ve called/renamed the series The Soulmates Trilogy – because I hope to write other books about these characters.

As I write this, I have ideas for at least two new books!

I’m really warming to the idea of writing, not a prequel per se, but continuing on from the events of Someone Like You, but also going back in time to Jamie’s childhood and exploring his life back then. It was in his childhood that he met Sarah, so she will play a big part in this book.

The – potential – instalment after that will be a true continuation of Mukti’s story after Someone Like You finished.

However, I want my mind to work on these ideas and develop them into something brilliant before committing to writing them. I want both these novels to have the same drama, romance and twist-and-turns as their predecessors.

So SLY is the last book in the Soulmates Saga for a while. In the interim, I want to work on something new, letting Mukti and co. have some peace for a while.

Q: Apart from the spin-off to the Poison Blood series, do you have any other new projects to work on?

A: Luckily, I do. I have an unfinished paranormal romance novel to complete (which has the potential to turn into a trilogy, we’ll see) and I have planned a new contemporary romance series too. I don’t want to say too much about this series, but I’m hoping it’ll be a little more light-hearted than the Soulmates Saga, not as dark. I want this series to have a slightly different feel to the Soulmates Saga – just so readers don’t feel like they’re reading about the same characters packaged up in different bodies – so I’ll make a conscious effort to ensure the main characters aren’t as troubled or tormented as Mukti, Jamie and Jonny.

Once I start writing however, who knows what direction the characters will take me? They tend to have a life of their own and usually get their way!

Also, I had this idea years and years ago about a ‘mystery’ novel. I’d like to revisit that and mould into something I can really get my teeth into. Now, just because I read more crime novels than any other genre, doesn’t mean I’m clever enough to write a detective novel. I won’t do that to myself. This old idea I had in my teens has potential though, and I’d like to put it in a format in which I am capable of writing.

Fingers crossed I can complete all my projects in good time. Wish me luck!

Q: Do you have any strange writing rituals?

A: No. Well, I don’t think they’re strange…

But I do believe in sticking to tradition when it comes to the first people that get sent my completed manuscripts.

The person that read the earliest, roughest draft of my debut novel Chasing Pavements (The Soulmates Saga, Book 1), was my friend Char. Since then, I’ve made sure to send her the first rough draft of all the books in that series. “As per tradition” is always the subject in the e-mail I send her.

When Poison Blood, Book 1 was ready for someone else’s eyes, my friend was busy and I was on a tight schedule, so I didn’t send it to her. As a result, I’ve refrained from sending her unpublished manuscripts from that series. Strange I know, but that’s me. 

Poison Blood, Book 3: Prophecy and Book 4: Apocalypse are available to download via the links below:

Amazon US|   Amazon UK|    iBooks US   |   iBooks UK   |   B&N Nook   |   Kobo

Amazon USAmazon UK|   iBooks US   |   iBooks UK   |   B&N Nook   |   Kobo

Books 1 and 2 are still FREE:

Poison Blood, Book 1: Revelation ~ Free at these retailers:

Poison Blood, Book 2: Absolution ~ Free at these retailers:

Amazon US|   Amazon UK  |   iBooks US & UK   |   B&N Nook Store   |   Smashwords

And the first two books in my teen urban fantasy/YA paranormal romance series, the Poison Blood series, can be downloaded for free via:

Amazon USAmazon UK|   iBooks US & UK   |   B&N Nook Store   |   Smashwords

Genre: YA Paranormal Romance / Teen Vampire Romance / Young Adult Paranormal Fantasy / Teen & YA Urban Fantasy / Young Adult Science Fiction & Fantasy

Mood: Dark / Humorous / Coming of age
Content: No violence / No explicit sex scenes / No erotica
Audience: Teen / Young Adult / New Adult / Adult
Recommended for: Readers that love all things vampires, slayers and witches!