However, that's not the reason why I decided to make my contemporary romance series available in print. No, it's because my husband's been nagging me for ages to publish paperbacks of my novels, so they can share bookshelf-space with my favourite books. "Your books should be sitting there," he kept saying whenever I took a book out of my bookshelf. I gave in just to stop him going on about it.
I'm using Amazon KDP's new print-on-demand platform instead of their CreateSpace service, which I think will be closing down soon; there was mention of 'migrating' CreateSpace titles to KDP Print when I was going through the process of preparing the print files of my books. The process was a lot simpler than it was a few years ago with CreateSpace, when I'd fleetingly thought about releasing a print version of Chasing Pavements. I chickened out then; it looked too complicated.
Last year however, when I'd promised my husband that I'd start re-formatting my e-books to make them print-ready, KDP had recently launched their print-on-demand service and it was simple enough to get set-up on it, linking the print titles to their already existing e-book versions. And while I was going through my book files, I thought I'd revise/re-edit Chasing Pavements and Make You Feel My Love, books 1 and 2 of my Soulmates Saga. It was worth the extra time and effort, and I'm glad I didn't shy away from re-working and improving them, something a lot of indie authors choose not to do once their book is released.
Don't get me wrong: When I published book 1 in summer 2012, I'd edited it so many times that I ended up hating every word I'd written, and the version I released was the best it could be. At that time. Same goes for book 2, which was released the summer after. But I'm a much better editor now than I was five years ago, a more efficient one. I've also read a lot more books by accomplished writers and have learned so much from them, and of course from author blogs and so on. I used all my knowledge and experience and I am confident that the revised versions of those two books are so much better than the originals.
I didn't revise book 3, Someone Like You; I'd completed the final round of editing for that book not too long before I started re-editing the first two books in the saga, so I didn't think that novel needed further work.
In five years time, though... Who knows, I might be able to improve book 3 too, because us writers only get better with time and practice and experience and further learning from our peers.
It's said that releasing print versions of your e-books can increase e-book sales, reaching more readers, but I don't think it'll make too much difference in this case. Regardless, I'm glad I got bullied into launching the print versions for the Soulmates Saga because I got to improve books 1 and 2 and readers of the e-books will get a much more accomplished read because the latest versions have been available all year. (If you purchased these books from iBooks or Smashwords a while ago, you'll be able to get the latest versions without any extra cost).
Check out the print covers below:
While I was at it, I thought that I might as well release an Omnibus Print Edition of the Poison Blood series! The individual books in this series, especially the first two books, are too short to be published in paperback on their own. I used my favourit cover from the series for the print version:
And to celebrate the release of the print versions, I'm putting all my e-books on SALE this week!
So, all three e-books in the Soulmates Saga are now only 99c/99p each!! Get them from Amazon now by clicking 'E-Book':
Chasing Pavements (Soulmates Saga #1) E-Book | Print
Make You Feel My Love (Soulmates Saga #2) E-Book | Print
Someone Like You (Soulmates Saga #3) E-Book | Print
That's an entire series for under $3/£3!!
An entire 4-book series for under $2/£2 ~ you can't go wrong there!!
Omnibus Print Edition here
All my e-books (apart from If I Say Yes) are also on sale at the following retailers (at the same prices quoted above):
Soulmates Saga:
Amazon UK
Poison Blood Series:
Amazon UK
I hope you take advantage of these great offers and do let me know what you thought of my books if you get around to reading them :)