A: Short answer: Amber. She played a big role in my Poison Blood series, and turned into a great
character. I thought she deserved a series of her own. For those of you that have read the Poison Blood Series, I hope you agree!
Q: So, is this like a spin-off to your Poison Blood Series?
A: It’s a follow-on series, from Amber’s point of view. It takes place after the events of Poison Blood, Book 4, the final book in that
series. However, I’ve written Witch’s
Blood, Book 1, so that you can read and enjoy it and not feel
lost if you haven’t read the Poison Blood
books yet. I tried my best not to include too many spoilers for anyone that
wants to read the Poison Blood Series
after reading Bloodless, so I’ve tried
not to refer to the events in those books if I didn’t absolutely have to. It
wasn’t easy :)
A few things that may not have made sense in this book will
do so in Book 2 when I go into spoilery mode, so hopefully a lot of your
questions will be answered then.
Before reading the subsequent books in the Witch’s Blood Series however, I would highly recommend reading the Poison Blood Series first. This is because there will be spoilers for the Poison Blood Series in the rest of the books in the Witch’s Blood Series, and it will spoil it for you if you decide to read the Poison Blood Series afterwards.
Q: Okay, so what’s the Poison
Blood Series about, then? Will I like it?
A: The blurb for the first book in the series, Poison Blood, Book 1: Revelation, is below, so you can find out more about it from that, and the first two books in the series are free to download, so you can start catching up right now!
"I don’t know what blood tastes like to a human. I’d never even licked a tiny drop of it from a pricked finger, let alone suck on a bleeding cut.
"I don’t know what blood tastes like to a human. I’d never even licked a tiny drop of it from a pricked finger, let alone suck on a bleeding cut.
Now it’s my only food source."
Meet teenage runaway Ellie. She’s snarky, witty, funny,
and has issues with her mother, just like any other 17-year-old girl.
She’s also a vampire.
Days before her 18th birthday, the mysterious and handsome
immortal Christian, turned her into a creature that she loathes, forcing
her to leave her old life behind forever and move to London. Thrust into the supernatural
world, full of magic and danger, Ellie doesn’t want to be a killer.
She doesn’t even like to drink blood.
But Christian wasn’t completely honest about why he’d
taken a romantic interest in her, and he wasn’t the only one keeping things
from her, either.
Her mother was hiding the same secret.
Ellie was never an ordinary teenager, and now, she’s no
ordinary teen vampire. When she discovers why she’s not like others of her
kind, why she protects humans instead of hunting them, she realises that her
life is about to change all over again.
And the world as she knows it will never be the same...
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Poison Blood, Book 2: Absolution is also free to
download and answers some of the questions raised in Book 1, while
asking many more...
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Download Book 2 for FREE from:
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What Readers Said About the Poison Blood Series:
“Hooked on the Poison Blood series.” 5-stars
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“This was great, couldn’t put it down.” 5-stars
“A great book.” 5-stars
“I loved this book.” 5-stars
“Amazingly interesting.” 5-stars
And once you've caught up on the Poison Blood Series, you can continue with the Witch's Blood books with Bloodshed:
Available at the Amazon Kindle Store. Click this link to download:
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Witch's Blood, Book 3: Bloodlust (Coming Soon!)