Every Little Piece of Us (Book 3) ~ $2.99 only on Smashwords
Every Little Piece of Me (Book 2) ~ $2 only on Smashwords
Every Little Piece of You (Book 1) ~ FREE at:
Apple Books
B&N Nook
Normal price of all three books is $3.99 each. Link to series at Smashwords here.
Length: 110,000 words
Genre: Contemporary Romance / Clean Romance / Diverse Romance / Interracial Romance / Romantic Drama / Women’s Fiction
Mood: Inspirational / Feel Good / Coming of Age / Dark
Content: Sexy but No explicit sex scenes / No erotica
Audience: New Adult & College / Adult / Female Readers
Recommended for: Readers that enjoy romance novels with serious issues and characters with depth. This is a story about life, love, friendship, family, music, art, destiny and soul mates.
Also, I never explained why I re-branded the Soulmates Saga, did I? So, I’ll take this opportunity to quickly go through my reasoning behind it.
First, the covers and titles before the change:
Basically, I’d been meaning to change the titles of the three books in this new adult romance series for a while, but I hadn’t found the time to focus on it. What made me consider a re-brand was something that a reader had said on Goodreads when she downloaded the first two books. Although she hadn’t been offensive in any way, her comment got me thinking: The fact that the titles of my three books are the titles of Adele hits might be seen as a gimmick by potential readers, that I’d used the titles of those hugely popular songs as a sly marketing tactic, click bait in a way. To draw readers into a series that perhaps had no substance to it. We don’t like to be tricked, and if we believe we’re being duped, we’re instantly negative about the product or service that we think is trying to rip us off, and we’ll keep well away. I didn’t want potential readers to disregard these books for this reason, because this series is much more than the initial titles I so naively assigned to them. (Check out the review snippets dotted around on this post if you don’t believe me).
The truth is that it took me so long to settle on a title for Book 1, which had started off as a stand-alone (and can be read as a stand-alone), that when I decided on Chasing Pavements, and it felt perfect, I was extremely relieved that I could finally publish it. It was my debut self-published novel and I really had no idea what book marketing entailed (book titles, covers, blurbs with key words--just to name a few--are all crucial to the process, and I didn’t know any of this back then! Lots of indie authors say the same thing: “We didn’t know what we were doing when we started this journey.”).
When it came to the sequel, and then the third book in the series, it felt natural to go with other Adele hits that fit the theme and mood of each novel (Make You Feel My Love and Someone Like You). There was actually a beloved BBC drama series named after a Bowie song (Life on Mars); when they made the second series, they went with a another Bowie song for its name. I thought it was cool, I thought I was being cool, too. I still, personally, like the idea of song titles as book titles, but I know what it might look like to others. (I’d love to use the following song titles for future books, but I won’t; I’ve learned my lesson: Somewhere Only We Know, When We Were Young, Driftwood, Never Let Me Go).
Funnily enough, the new titles for these books are actually song lyrics (well, the first two books are). The phrases, ‘Every Little Piece of You’ and ‘Every Little Piece of Me’ feature in a song called Linked, written by the male protagonist of this series, Jamie, who is a singer/songwriter. All three titles, coupled with the new covers, are romantic, though, and convey the feel of the books to potential readers, so I’m very happy with them. Do check out this series while it’s on sale (three books for under $5!) and post a review to let me know what you think.
Thanks for reading this post. The first two books in my teen urban fantasy/YA paranormal romance series, the Poison Blood series, can be downloaded for free via:
Length: 29,000 words
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance / Teen Vampire Romance / Young Adult Paranormal Fantasy / Teen & YA Urban Fantasy / Young Adult Science Fiction & Fantasy / Supernatural Romance / Fantasy Romance / Sparkling Vampires
Mood: Dark / Humorous / Coming of age
Content: No violence / No explicit sex scenes / No erotica
Audience: Teen / Young Adult / New Adult / Adult